How do I create a 5% discount for purchases over 50 €?

As we have mentioned, there are variety of discounts available. In this case we will offer a discount rate in % that is applicable only to purchases over a certain amount.

In order to offer this type of discount, you need to go to the icon Discounts and choose New Discount.

A pop up window will appear where you will be required to fill in the Name and define which languages the offer will be available in. Then click on Next.


A pop up window will now appear where you can choose from the different types of discounts available. In this case we need to select Percentage.

By selecting this option different types of discounts will be displayed. These can be over the total amount, for each product, or for freight charges. Now you can choose where to apply the percentage discount:

  • per line item of the order; in cases where we want to apply the discount to the subtotals of the product,
  • to the total, where we want to apply a discount to the total order, (this would be the case in our example),
  • to freight charges, this would be used in cases where the discount is only applied to transport costs.


In this example a 5% discount is being applied to the total amount of the order. Now click on Next.

The next step is to add the condition needed in order for this to happen. This is selected using Add Condition.

In this example case you would choose Money Spent then click on Next.

You can choose whether the discount will be applied for a total that is more than X €, or whether it is applied to amounts within a particular range.

For this example, we have selected Over X € as we only want to offer the discount if the customer spends more than €50. Then select the Close icon.

It is important to note that discounts are applied before tax is taken into account. Therefore any amounts used in the condition "Money Spent" must be calculated remembering that they will appear on the order before taxes are applied.

A window will appear wherein the conditions created will be displayed. In this case we only created one condition. However, you can create various conditions; although in order for the discount to be active you need to ensure that the conditions are compatible with each other.

When you have created all the necessary conditions, click on Next.

In the following window the value of the discount will be created, in this particular example, choose 5%.

As on other occasions you can choose between offering a discount per line item, or over the total amount of the order. In this example the total amount should be chosen.

Finally, click on Next.


To bring the process to a conclusion, a summary of the discount type and conditions will be displayed and you will be asked whether you want to activate the discount immediately or later.