Examples of shipping intervals configuration

Let’s suppose that a shipper has given us a fare. This fare has two different shipping types: express and standard. Besides, this shipper divides the territory in 3 areas: Province, Rest of peninsula and Canary Islands. This would be the price table without VAT:

Standard Express
Provincial 0 and 9.99Kg 3€ 4€
Provincial 10 and 19.99Kg 6€ 7€
Provincial > 20Kg 9€ 10€
Rest peninsula 0 and 9.99Kg 4€ 5€
Rest peninsula 10 and 19.99Kg 7€ 8€
Rest peninsula > 20Kg 11€ 12€
Canary Islands 0 and 9.99Kg 6€ 7€
Canary Islands 10 and 19.99Kg 9€ 10€
Canary Islands > 20Kg 17€ 18€

Previous requisites:

  • Having created the shipper.
  • Having created the two shipping types inside this shipper (standard and express).
  • Having created the three areas in each shipping type (editing the standard shipping type, going to the area tab and creating the three areas; and repeating it for the express shipping type).
  • Having the territories assigned to each of these areas (All Areas tab on the main Shipping window). We set Provincial to our province, Canary Islands to Canary Islands area and Rest peninsula to the rest of the autonomous regions).

Case 1: My carriages will vary depending on the order import

We will ignore the package weight and we will configure a kind of “flat rate”. We will not penalize the express shipping, so for this shipper we will only need to create a shipping type (standard). Let’s suppose that we want to create intervals for imports between 0 and 30€, between 30 and 60€ and for more than 60€. The imports (without VAT) would be:

0-30 (€) 30-60 (€) >60 (€)
Provincial 6 3 0
Rest peninsula 7 3.5 0
Canary Islands 9 4.5 0

The intervals would be as follows:

Shipping type-Area Min(kg) Max(kg) Min(€) Max(€) Price(€)
Standard-Provincial 0 999999 0 29.99 6
Standard-Provincial 0 999999 30 59.99 3
Standard-Provincial 0 999999 60 999999 0
Standard-Rest peninsula 0 999999 0 29.99 7
Standard-Rest peninsula 0 999999 30 59.99 3.5
Standard-Rest peninsula 0 999999 60 999999 0
Standard-Canary Islands 0 999999 0 29.99 9
Standard-Canary Islands 0 999999 30 59.99 4.5
Standard-Canary Islands 0 999999 60 999999 0

Case 2: my carriages will follow the shipper’s fare.

We will ignore the order imports and we will just implement the shipper’s fare. The intervals would be as follows:

Shipping type-Area Min(kg) Max(kg) Min(€) Max(€) Price(€)
Standard-Provincial 0 9.99 0 999999 3
Standard-Provincial 10 19.99 0 999999 6
Standard-Provincial 20 999999 0 999999 9
Express-Provincial 0 9.99 0 999999 4
Express-Provincial 10 19.99 0 999999 7
Express-Provincial 20 999999 0 999999 10
Standard-Rest peninsula 0 9.99 0 999999 4
Standard-Rest peninsula 10 19.99 0 999999 7
Standard-Rest peninsula 20 999999 0 999999 11
Express-Rest peninsula 0 9.99 0 999999 5
Express-Rest peninsula 10 19.99 0 999999 8
Express-Rest peninsula 20 999999 0 999999 12
Standard-Canary Islands 0 9.99 0 999999 6
Standard-Canary Islands 10 19.99 0 999999 9
Standard-Canary Islands 20 999999 0 999999 17
Express-Canary Islands 0 9.99 0 999999 7
Express-Canary Islands 10 19.99 0 999999 10
Express-Canary Islands 20 999999 0 999999 18

Case 3: my carriages will follow the shipper’s fare when the order import is less than 60€.

We will apply the shipper’s fare when the total import of the order is less than 60€. For higher purchases, the transport will be free. The intervals would be as follows:

Shipping type-Area Min(kg) Max(kg) Min(€) Max(€) Price(€)
Standard-Provincial 0 9.99 0 59.99 3
Standard-Provincial 10 19.99 0 59.99 6
Standard-Provincial 20 999999 0 59.99 9
Express-Provincial 0 9.99 0 59.99 4
Express-Provincial 10 19.99 0 59.99 7
Express-Provincial 20 999999 0 59.99 10
Normal-Provincial 0 999999 60 999999 0
Express-Provincial 0 999999 60 999999 0
Standard-Rest peninsula 0 9.99 0 59.99 4
Standard-Rest peninsula 10 19.99 0 59.99 7
Standard-Rest peninsula 20 999999 0 59.99 11
Express-Rest peninsula 0 9.99 0 59.99 5
Express-Rest peninsula 10 19.99 0 59.99 8
Express-Rest peninsula 20 999999 0 59.99 12
Standard-Rest peninsula 0 999999 60 999999 0
Express-Rest peninsula 0 999999 60 999999 0
Standard-Canary Islands 0 9.99 0 59.99 6
Standard-Canary Islands 10 19.99 0 59.99 9
Standard-Canary Islands 20 999999 0 59.99 17
Express-Canary Islands 0 9.99 0 59.99 7
Express-Canary Islands 10 19.99 0 59.99 10
Express-Canary Islands 20 999999 0 59.99 18
Standard-Canary Islands 0 999999 60 999999 0
Express-Canary Islands 0 999999 60 999999 0

In this case, if we want it, we could penalize the express shipment instead of keeping it at no-cost. Following this chart, in the basket there will be two shipping types, standard and express, and the carriages in both of them will be 0. It will be the user who decides if he wants a standard shipment or an express one. If we penalize, the standard carriages will be 0 and the express will have the carriages that we establish.