How can I configure ePoints?

The ePoints module can be found in:


To edit it, just double click on the element. To create a new configuration, just click on “NEW EPOINTS SETTINGS”.

In the first window, Parameters, sets the activation and general settings.

  • Enabled: States whether the element is active. Additionally, you can set an activation and expiration date of the created ePoints policy. In case no activation date is set, it will automatically be set as the current date. In the same way, if no Expiration date Is set, the ePoints policy will always be enabled and in case we need to disable the policy it will have to be done manually.

  • ePonints expire on (date). Selecting this option will set an expiration date to the ePoints the user may earn.

  • ePoints expire in X days. Selecting this options will make the ePoints expire in an N days timespan. It is important to point out that in this configuration, activating the selector “Each time a customer earns new ePoints, their ePoints expiration date is updated” is automatically updated when the customer gets new ePoints. This is to say, when the user gets new ePoints, the counter is set back to zero.

In the Basic settings window, you can fill in the Name of the ePoints policy, and, optionally, a representative image that can be displayed in the FrontOffice.

In the Earning ePoints rules window, allows the creation of a set of conditions under which the users will get ePoints. In order to add an ePoint earning condition:

Click on + Add Conditions to create the conditions to earn ePoints.

There are different condition kinds.

  • User registers: The user earns points by registering for the first time with the online store

  • Comments on products: The user earns points by sending comments on products

  • Product purchase: The user earns points by buying products

For each condition you must:

  • Specify a name and a description (optional). It can also specify whether the condition is enabled or not. Additionally, it is possible to specify an activity period of the rule with the Activation Date and Expiration Date fields. In case no activation date is set, it will be set up from the current date and on. On the other hand, if no expiration date is set, the condition will always apply and will have to be disabled manually in case we need to deactivate it.

  • Add a rule by which users will earn ePoints, for example: Each user registry gets 10 ePoints.

The rules for the Product purchase condition can be defined by quantity (the rule will apply bearing in mind the quantities of products in the order) or amount of money spent (the rule will apply bearing in mind the total cost of each product that has been added in the order).

You can create as many rules as necessary, but note that the order in which they are applied will follow the hierarchy set by priority parameters. If no priority has been defined, the same priority will be applied to all of them. an incorrect configuration can lead to undesirable behaviours.

  • Set, as in a filter, the categories and/or products that will apply to the rule. If no action is taken, the platform will consider that the policy will apply to all products and categories.

  • Activate and define the notification the customer will receive each time it receives ePoints under that condition (See How can I create automatic email notifications).

An ePoint definition can have different conditions of the same kind provided that they are compatible with each other and do not overlap (for example, in different activation intervals. Warning: an incorrect configuration can lead to undesirable behaviours)

  • Set, with filters, the group of categories and products that will be affected by the rule. If there is none action define, it will consider that the rule affects to all products.

  • Define and activate the notification that the customer will recive when they will ePoints with this condition. See How to create automatic mails with the notification.

As in the Earning ePoints rules section, you can create as many conditions as necessary, keeping in mind the application order of the rules as set in the priority hierarchy. If the conditions have the same priority, all the conditions with the same priority will apply. Warning: an incorrect configuration can lead to undesirable behaviours.

  • Set, as a filter, the categories and/or products that will be affected by the rule. If no action is taken, the platform will consider that the policy will apply to all products and categories.

  • Activate and define the notification the customer will receive each time it spends ePoints under that condition (See How can I create automatic email notifications).

An ePoint definition can have different conditions of the same kind provided that they are compatible with each other and do not overlap (for example, in different activation intervals. Warning: an incorrect configuration can lead to undesirable behaviors)

In the following window, the ePoint definition can be segmented by Users/groups and by Countries/Areas.

Finally, in the last window you can set up Alerts that will define the email message the users will get when their ePoints are about to expire.

For the ePoints to be consumed it is necessary to have an action that is executed when the order goes to the Incoming state. To activate this action this state must be edited. To do so, open the orders window and right click the name of the state that appears in the column on the left. After that, the state edition window will open. Into the ACTIONS tab, check that there is an action that spends ePoints in the INCOMING ACTIONS. If it does not exist click + NEW ACTION and register it with the data that you see on the screenshot.
