How do I create a new product category?

Each area can have as many categories as we need, although in general it is recommended not to have more than 10 for their visual impact in the ecommerce. We can create categories going to the contextual menu doing a right-click on the mouse.

Categories can have sub-categories that let a more precise organization of products when the user searches for them in the ecommerce. The creation of sub-categories is similar to the creation of categories, but we need to be inside the category at that moment to create them.


The way we categorize our products is an essential process of ecommerce. A vague or incoherent categorization will make it difficult for the users to find the products. As well, an over-categorization will make it difficult too for them to find the products, as they have to go over too many steps.

The use in the FrontOffice of tools like filters, recommenders or intelligent searchers will help the user get the product he needs.