How to create availability definitions?
When accessing SETTINGS > Product availability a screen will appear where we can click on the “New availability” button and we can set our availability definition depending on our needs.
In this window we can set the following values up:
Internal Id: Unique identifier that unambiguously distinguishes this element from the others. It is not mandatory to fill this field in if we do not have automatic integration processes. This field is not displayed in the FrontOffice.
Internal name: Name of the availability for internal purposes. This is a required field and is not displayed in the FrontOffice.
Internal comment: Comment on the availability for internal purposes. Not displayed in the FrontOffice.
Once we have defined the availability name, we need to define its intervals, which are the product quantity ranges that will make display a text when the product’s current stock is in that range.
In this window we can set up the following values:
To: Upper unit number limit unit.
Availability in days: Availability forecast in number of days
Name: Text that will be displayed in the FrontOffice
Description: Additional text that can be displayed in the FrontOffice.
Image: Image that will be displayed with this interval.
An example of a feasible interval definition could be:
- When a product is between 3 and 500 units, an “Available Product” text is displayed in the eCommerce’s product profile
- When a product is between 1 and 3 units, a “Last Units” text is displayed in the product’s profile.
- When a product has run out of stock, a “sold out” or “available in 15 days” text is displayed in the product’s profile
Once we have defined the intervals, click on SAVE to complete the process.
We can create as many availability definitions as we need, and each of them can have its own stock intervals.
It is possible to display images instead of text (or both) to display an availability. In order to do so, it is necessary to fill the Image field in for each of the intervals that include the definition.