What is advanced tracking?
This allows you to manually set the tracking code and define on what pages in your virtual store it will be placed.
You can add as many scripts as needed.
Depending on the type of tracking code that you want to place on a page, you will need to place it on certain Page type and in a certain Position within those pages.
- Page Types
The elements < HEAD >< / HEAD > should be placed immediately after the opening of the < HTML > sign to close the heading. This will provide all the information needed by the browser, the web server and search engines. This will be the first item that the browser reads and therefore it is the best place to insert syntax script. - Position
The element < BODY > should be placed immediately after the close of the sign < / HEAD >. It should be within the elements < HTML >. The sign < BODY > is also used to provide information to the browser on the arrangement of objects on the page and to set various display attributes.
This step establishes, as a filter, the set of elements that will be affected. It also establishes on which of them the tracking code being defined will be placed. If no action is performed at the time of creation, it will be assumed that you want tracking to affect all elements and it will therefore be placed on all of them.
There is an option here to activate the script immediately or save it for later activation.