How can an existing payment system be edited?

To edit a payment system we can double-click on the icon or do a right click on the mouse and select Edit in the contextual menu.

The window where we can edit the basic and advanced settings of the payment system is this:


Enabled: Once the Enabled is a Yes, this payment system is available in the FrontOffice.

Internal name (compulsory):): The payment system’s name, only visible in the BackOffice.

Internal ID: Unique code used internally for this payment system, also visible only in the BackOffice.

Logo: Logo of this payment system; for example, Visa or PayPal logo. It is only necessary if the ecommerce is programmed to display the payment systems’ logos in the payment system selection window.

Increased cost Configurable value that will be invoiced to the client when he makes a purchase with this payment system. They are usually carriages for the use of a certain payment system that have an effect to the final client. It can be an increase of a fixed import (€) or a percent increase (%).

Min. payment: If the order does not reach this certain quantity it will not be possible to pay that order with this payment system.

Min. increase in cost: Minimum value that will be added to the total amount of the order in case that the Increased cost calculus is lower than this.

Max. payment: For purchases above the import here introduced, it will not be possible to use this payment system.

There is more configurable information in the tabs at the bottom of the screen. Next there is a brief explanation of what is in each tab.


Name (compulsory): The name of the payment system as it will be displayed in the FrontOffice.
Description: Additional text to the name that can be displayed in the FrontOffice.
E-mail text: Text that will be embedded in the order confirmation e-mail.

The e-mail text is also displayed in the order confirmation screen in the FrontOffice. For example, it could be the bank account number and the instructions to execute the deposit in case of bank transfer.





It sets up the payment gateways for a certain payment system. We can distinguish between offline gateways (standard, cash on delivery, bank transfer) and online (the rest). Offline gateways don’t require connection to third parties systems and are typically payments that are not executed at the moment. Online systems do require connection to other systems and payments are immediate. Because of that, online payments require a series of setting parameters to establish this connection successfully. These parameters vary depending on the gateway. When a gateway is hired, the company that supplies these online payment services (POS, PayPal, etc.) provides the necessary data to configure the gateway correctly. The data provided by these companies are the fields that will appear in this connection tab (which can be different, depending on the gateway).


Tax rate
Here we configure the tax rate of the applicable tax for this payment system.


The rest of the tabs are filters to execute this payment system segmentation (see Use of filters for segmentation).

How to configure the different payment systems?

Create the cash on delivery payment system

To create the cash on delivery offline payment system follow these steps:

  1. Click on the New payment system button. An assistant will open.
  2. Click on the Cash on delivery system and then click Next.
  3. Fill in, for each language you have enabled, the name you want for the payment system. This name is the one that will be displayed in the ecommerce. Then press Next.
  4. Choose enable or not the payment system that is being created and then click Done.
  5. The system is created. If you need to edit it, click Close and edit. In case you don’t need it, click Close.

Create a bank transfer payment system

To create an online bank transfer payment system follow these steps:

  1. Click on the New payment system button. An assistant will open.
  2. Click on the Transfer system and then click Next.
  3. Fill in, for each language you have enabled, the name you want for the payment system. This name is the one that will be displayed in the ecommerce. Then press Next.
  4. Fill in, for each language you have enabled, the additional text with the information that is going to be in the order confirmation e-mail. For example, something like this:

    Beneficiary: [ecommerce name]
    Account number: [bank] XXXX XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX
    Once the payment reception is verified, the order will be processed.
    If, after [waiting days] days from the order execution the transfer is not received, the order will be cancelled.
    It is recommended to send a bank receipt to the e-mail [contact e-mail].

  5. Chose to enable or not the payment system that is being created and click Done.

Configure a virtual POS like RedSys/ tipo RedSys.

The virtual POS configuration data will be submitted to you once you contract the POS. Usually they submit connection data in a test mode. This test mode allows checking if the virtual POS is correctly configured. Once this is checked, you have to ask for the next step to production environment. The company that manages the POS will provide you new connection data, but for a real environment, which will substitute the test mode ones.

The virtual POS can have different security levels. This level does not depend on the connection gateway but on the service you have contracted with your bank.

The virtual POS has a managing module outside LogiCommerce. To log in you need a user and a password that will be provided to you once you have contracted it. In this module is where you can see the executed operations, both the accepted and the denied ones. If the POS denies an operation, it usually also informs about the error that has generated that rejection (expired card, incorrect number, etc.).

LogiCommerce only establishes the connection with the virtual POS and, once established, waits for an OK or a KO sent by the POS. If the POS sends an OK, the order changes to the Incoming status. If it sends a KO, it changes to the Denied status. And if it sends nothing (for any kind of error or reason that causes that this signal is not sent), the order will be under the Incidents status.

It can be possible that the payment is well executed, but the OK signal does not get to LogiCommerce. For that reason it is a good practice to always check the incidents that we see in LogiCommerce and check, in the POS administrator, if they are accepted or denied operations. If an operation has been accepted in the POS, but is in Incidents in LogiCommerce, you can change that order to the Incoming status if you inform LogiCommerce about the authorization number that the virtual POS always provides to accepted operations (you will see it in the POS administrator/ terminal). To reduce the number of incidents and in order to make the connection with RedSys system stronger, ask for the Enable URL parameters to be Yes when you contract the POS.

The steps would be the following:

  1. Click on the New payment system button. An assistant will open.
  2. Click on the Bank system and then click Next.
  3. Select the bank that has processed your virtual POS from the list. You can use the searcher to filter the list.
  4. Fill in, for each language you have enabled, the name you want for the payment system. This name is the one that will be displayed in the ecommerce. Then click Next.
  5. Fill in the test mode connection parameters provided by the company that manages the POS. In particular, the Vendor’s name is the ecommerce name, the Vendor’s code field is the provided merchant number or FUC and the Vendor’s password is the provided encryption secret word. If we don’t have information about the terminal number, type a 1 in that field. The rest of provided data is not necessary to configure the gateway.
  6. Choose to enable or not the payment system that is being created and then click Done.
  7. The system is been created. If you need to edit it, click Close and edit. In case you don’t need it, click Close.
  8. To verify the correct virtual POS connection you need to do a shopping test that turns out denied by the POS and a shopping test that the POS accepts. To do these shopping tests you need to make an order from the ecommerce. When you get to the payment system selection screen, select this recently created system. The system will redirect to the test mode payment screen.
  9. Introduce the test card number that will be given to you to do the denied operation test.
  10. When you get back to the ecommerce, click on Select another payment system and make the purchase again.
  11. In the payment screen, introduce the card number that will be given to you to do the accepted operation test.
  12. Get in the virtual POS administrator and verify that both operations are correctly reflected.
  13. If everything is OK, you can ask to pass the virtual POS to production environment. They will send you an encryption secret word.
  14. When you get it, edit the payment system and click on the Connection tab.
  15. Change the Vendor’s password field with the new encryption secret word.
  16. Set Connection status to Production.
  17. Save all changes.

Configure PayPal Express

You will get PayPal configuration data once you sign up for the service. You can do it, depending on your country, in these URLs:


If your ecommerce does not need a personalized paying page, we recommend you to choose the Express payment solution, stronger than the Standard payment solution. Here we explain how to configure Express payment.

This gateway needs to be configured with specific data that you will find in the PayPal administration module. If you need instructions of how to configure theExpress payment or how to get to the gateway parameters configuration, ask for the PayPal procedures manual to

As said before, PayPal has an administration module outside LogiCommerce. In this module is where you can see the executed operations, both the accepted and the denied ones. If an operation is denied, usually the program informs about the error that has generated that rejection (incorrect user, etc.).

LogiCommerce only establishes the connection with the PayPal payment service and, once it is established, the program waits for an OK or a KO sent by that service. If the service sends an OK, the order changes to the Incoming status. If it sends a KO, it changes to the Denied status. And if it sends nothing (for any kind of error or reason that causes that this signal is not sent), the order will be under the Incidents status.

It can be possible that the payment is well executed, but the OK signal does not get to LogiCommerce. For that reason it is a good practice to always check the incidents that we see in LogiCommerce and check, in the PayPal administrator, if they are accepted or denied operations. If an operation has been accepted by PayPal, but is in Incidents in LogiCommerce, you can change that order to the Incoming status if you inform LogiCommerce about the authorization number that PayPal always provides to accepted operations (you will see it in the PayPal administrator).

The steps would be the following:

  1. Click on the New payment system button. An assistant will open.
  2. Click on the PayPal Express system and then click Next.
  3. Fill in, for each language you have enabled, the name you want for the payment system. This name is the one that will be displayed in the ecommerce. Then click Next.
  4. Fill in the connection parameters obtained in the data configuration screen of the PayPal administrator. In particular, the User name is the Account field, the Vendor’s password is the provided API password and the Encryption key is the provided Signature.
  5. Choose to enable or not the payment system that is being created and then click Done..
  6. The system is been created. Now click Close and edit.
  7. Click on the Connection tab.
  8. Set Connection status to Production.
  9. Save all changes.
  10. To verify the connection you need to make a purchase from the ecommerce. When you get to the payment system selection screen, select this recently created system. If the gateway is correct, the system redirects to the PayPal payments screen.