How do I analyze the details of an order?

The order details can be seen at the right of the screen.


On the top there is information about the order, like Client (clicking the name we can access the client’s card file); the Date when the order is made; the Status of the order at the moment we are looking at it; Paid where we see if the order is paid or if it is still pending; the Payment date the order is paid in case it is; and the Payment system.

Next we see information related to the order, divided into 4 tabs.

  • Order details:
    The details of the invoice address and the shipping address (they can be different if the client has chosen them to be). The location on the map is available clicking on the location icon. Here we can consult the order in web and PDF format, as well as the invoice. The tracking code can be modified here, and we also see the delivery and the invoice dates. We can generate a delivery note previous to the shipping of the order (we have to bear in mind that, once the delivery note is generated, it will not be possible to eliminate nor edit the order).

    The breakdown of the order with quantity and price appears at the bottom.
  • Additional information:
    More technical information about the order execution like the device from which the order was made, the IP address of that device, the browser, the operating system of the device, and more.
  • History:
    There are the activated workflow rules for the order and the actions executed in this order, like order confirmations, invoice consignment or others. If the action has a green dot it means it was successfully executed. If there is a red dot it means that there has been some problem and it was not possible to execute it.
  • Incidents : This tab is a quick access to the Ticketing module. Clicking in New ticket an incident will be created automatically.

Only administrator users with activated ticketing support and who are part of a department that has functions of ticketing support will be able to see the ticket management (this tab included).