How to set up the email accounts?
To set an email account we must go to:
> SETTINGS > E-mail Settings
Once in this window, we must fill in all the account data in order to set the account up
The information due in each field, is to be filled in as it follows:
Name to be displayed: This field belongs to the name to be displayed as the sender in the field 'From' of the email the customer receives.
E-mail account: In this field we must fill in the e-mail account that will send the emails.
User: The user must field be filled in for authentication purposes.
Password: The password field must be filled in for authentication purposes.
Server: In this field, the name of the domain or the server’s output IP of the e-mail account must be filled in.
Port 25 is considered not safe, so emails sent from this port can be locked. This port is NOT allowed in the configuration. Instead, you have to use the usual ports for secure connections or port 587 if secure connections are disabled.
Port: Port number from which the connection will be done to send the emails.
SSL: : If the email account needs a secure SSL connection, this option must be checked.
TLS: If the email account needs a secure TLS connection, this option must be checked.
In the last part of the window, we must fill in the name that is going to be displayed as sender depending on the language of the eCommerce. It will display as many options as set up languages the store has.