How do the store’s main settings work?

Shop status

With this button, we can close or open the eCommerce when needed. By default, it will be “open”, and on status change, a warning message will pop up to confirm whether the change actually needs to be done.

By clicking on the pencil icon, we can edit the content that will be displayed when the store is closed.

Closing the eCommerce may have a negative impact on the search engines positioning, as the site will not be tracked normally from that moment on.

User access

If our eCommerce is focused on the B2B market, it is possible that we may want block access for any unauthorized user. Checking the Required option, will make the eCommerce only browsable for users that have been previously identified in an access login form.

Activating the user access required option may have a negative impact on the positioning of the website, as from that moment on, the site will not be tracked normally.